From the WOW Writes Writing Group - September
“Can you hear the school bell clanging for the last time for at least three months?? Finally free! No books, no reading, no math!,” said the freckled red headed little first grader. “I’m going to Hawai‘i!” she said.

From the WOW Writes Writing Group - JUNE
Audience chants, emphasizing each word: “WILL YOU ESCAPE?!”
“Thaaat’s right! Will You Escape! Some call us a game show. Some call it reality television! I say we’re both. We watch a contestant at a critical point in their life to see if they will escape the system. What system, you ask? Well, it depends on the person!

From the WOW Writes Writing Group - MAY
At the MAY monthly writing group, we asked people to explore the concept of synethesia.
Synesthesia: The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.
Susan, Lisa, Vicki, and Franny answered:

From the WOW Writes Writing Group
“I am fixin’ to become a sassy shake of plums and oranges.”

Internet Connection Failed
People are starting to fidget, everyone checking their settings to see what combination of keys they can push to magically bring the internet beast to life.

From the WOW Writes Writing Group
"I looked at my Micky Mouse watch to see how long I had lain in the ditch but that was no good, it hadn’t worked for months - I was just wearing it as an homage to the cartoon life I felt I was being forced to live."

From the WOW Writing Class on Humor
New submissions from our Master Class - Humor workshop!

From Africa
… our species is engaged in much the same struggles as the animals and plants and waters of our planet. We are both at war and in love with each other, with the elements of living together …

Revisiting Your Old Writing
What I learned as I took trips to the basement and unearthed my old work is that I have a distinct voice as a writer: a magically consistent voice, funny and compelling, like a thruline from my old writing to my new writing. It’s a voice that says, “Hey, I’m fairly normal, but listen to this weird shit.”