Emily Shearer

Poet, Essayist, Intuitive Naïf Visual Artist

Emily Shearer is Wide Open Writing’s poet-in-residence.  Her poems have been nominated for Pushcarts and “Best of”’s, and published in Kestrel, ellipsis, Silk Road Review, Fiolet & Wing, emrys journal online, psaltery & lyre, West Texas Literary Review, Clockhouse and Ruminate, among others. As a visual artist, she has works on permanent display at the Houston Street Art House in Tomball, TX and recently presented her first solo show at the Moxy Fox in Carrboro, NC. She is the former Poetry Editor of Minerva Rising Press as well as a certified yoga instructor and Reiki master. She holds a BA in French from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has finally returned to the town of her alma mater where she writes and paints, offers Reiki and yoga workshops and waits, with suitcases packed, for the next adventure. The best reason she can find for going away is coming home to write about it! You can find past blogs about her travels, a complete list of her publications, and samples of her work on the web at bohemilywrites.net.

Clients who choose to work with Emily are in love with syntax and flow over content and convention. They most typically choose hybrid form or no form at all and have a solid familiarity with the rules of writing, simply so that those “rules” can be broken. Emily is a cheerleader who’s not afraid to crack the whip and a whippersnapper who’s not afraid to crack a joke. Call her “Poetry Midwife,” “Poem Whisperer,” or “Bohemian Polyglot with a Penchant for Accessories,” just don’t call her late for anything involving cold-plunge skinny-dipping.